Acupuncture can be used in conjunction with chiropractic care for expediting the healing process bioenergetically. Are curious about whether acupuncture can help you but frightened of needles? As you can see, the needles I use are thin and short; but I have a variety of alternatives to needles including acupressure, microcurrent, laser, and essential oils. If you have more questions before scheduling your visit, don't hesitate to contact me!
January is a busy month for me, so I created this handy schedule so that you know which days we have appointments available. You can call 816.561.1185 or click here to schedule.
Dr. Jaimie L. McCormickDr. McCormick is the chiropractor for OM Chiropractic, which is conveniently located in Kansas City's Crossroads District. Archives
March 2020